emporium hydroponucs

Blog Post


Brockney C • Feb 22, 2019

How to prevent or eliminate them

Thrips are slender winged insects that cause silvery damage to leaves by sucking them dry


Thrips are small insects that can range in size from around 0.5 to 14mm in length, which is about 0.02 to 0.55 inches.Ranging from grey to brown in colourthey are typically about 1mm in length and are therefore not automatically obvious to the naked eye.

In terms of reproduction, eggs are laid into the plant tissue. The females have to create a gap in the plant tissue to lay the egg and the larvae start to consume the plant immediately after hatching.

How to recognise them

Because they are typically about 1mm in length, if you are unfortunate enough to have them it will possibly be your plants that exhibit the telltale signs.

If silvery damage appears then it is quite possibly due to these slender winged insects. Thrips are creatures that suck the juice out of plant leaves. It is done by scraping across the leaves which causes spots and their excrement also causes dark spots to appear. The damage becomes more apparent as the leaves become deformed or growth is not as expected.

In such a case check the plant with a magnifying glass to investigate for any thrips.

Prevent further damage

A predator known as Orius can be added to the growth system to eliminated thrips. An adult orius will devour thrips at any stage of their development whilst the younger nymphs tend to go for the larvae. Orius is a great predator and will also get stuck into moth eggs and whitefly.

A popular method of eliminating them is by using a Fortefog Smoke Generator which can also eradicate many other flying or crawling insects.

Another excellent product of assistance is Guard 'n' Aid for Thrip which is an insecticide specially developed for use against Thrips at larval, adult and egg stages.

Guard 'n' Aid for Thrip is suitable for outdoor and protected growing on both edible and non-edible crops.

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