emporium hydroponucs

Blog Post

Scrogging - The Screen of Green

Brockney C • Dec 21, 2017

The art of forcing a plant to grow horizontally

Scrogging is a growing technique that you can use to force a plant to grow horizontally and this multiplies the light absorbing leaves. This is particularly good for a small grow room! Simply place a net or rack with meshes above your plant and this causes them to grow horizontally through the grid.

Why use Scrogging?

The main purpose of scrogging is to develop proportional foliage and spread the light more evenly across the leaves. This prevents parts of the plant missing out on the light. Because the trunk and the branches do not grow vertically this is perfect when height is limited.

What is required?

A scrog net which can easily be made with string or wire. Place the net between 20cm and 50cm above the pot and choose the height according to which plant you grow. Be sure to top the plants in time so that that develop more lateral tops. Read all about how to top on the website of our partner Plagron. The frequency of topping will depend upon the number of plants that are rooted per square metre.

How do I scrog?

Divide the side branches as much as possible over the scrognet by pushing them under the net as if they are growing horizontally. Plants naturally grow towards the light, most likely vertically, so you will probably have to bend some branches. If done with care this will not cause any damage and the plant will adapt. Don't force your plant into flowering until the scrognet is well filled. The plants will continue to grow in the first few weeks.


  • Remove fruit formation from under the foliage
  • Remove leaves that cannot get any light
  • Provide plenty of ventilation
  • Push the large branches out and the small branches towards the centre of the net.

With this system you could grow in a small cupboard - give it a try!

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