emporium hydroponucs

Blog Post

The Importance of Nutrients

Brockney C • Nov 24, 2022

Find the right mix....

Plants need nutrients just like people do so finding the right balance is of complete importance. For consistency, take the following actions into account....

Plants need nutrients just like people do so finding the right balance is of complete importance. For consistency, take the following actions into account....

The ratio of nutrients: Too much or too little can affect the performance of the nutrients so be careful not to overfeed or underfeed. We have plenty of feed charts that can help to create the correct balance.

Replenish your reservoir: If you leave it for longer than a week then the levels of bacteria, CO2, oxygen and general evaporation will affect the quality.

Check the pH, PPM and water temperature: Keep a good track of the strength of the solution and it's temperature. Once again, refer to the feed charts.

Plants need water, light and a good substrate and nutrients are also of uttermost importance. They provide the minerals that plants need to grow and flourish and to keep them in optimal condition for photosynthesis. The quality of the nutrients that are available can vary so definitely do your research.

Nutrients of decent quality will also enhance the immune system of your plants which will help to defend against bacteria, fungi and other deficiencies.


It is one good thing to invest well in lighting and the overall environment but without investment in good quality nutrients this can effectively be money wasted.

Listen out for what your plants need in terms of nutrients and look out for any deficiencies as mentioned here. Nutrients are the most crucial part of your plants' growth and without a good mix they will struggle.


Trial and error is often the best way to figure out the best options and the best way of doing this is to do your research too. Rather than simply learning from your mistakes, read up on things and learn from those who have already made them for you! As well as many articles on our blog our partners at DutchPro also have plenty of great tips for you.


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