emporium hydroponucs

Blog Post

Vertical Hydroponics

Brockney C • Sep 20, 2018

Maximise your Space and Grow More

Vertical hydroponics makes efficient use of the space indoors to grow more crops

Short on space? Your yield can be increased by growing vertically! This method is actually used for much of our commercial food production and has history that goes back as far as the Aztecs.

The most common horizontal systems have several plants growing next to each other. Because of the distance needed between the plants much of the overhead light does not reach them and the energy goes to waste. With this method a lot of space and energy goes to waste.

Horizontal hydroponic plant cultivation requires more space and much of the light is wasted energy

A more efficient method is to stack several shelves around a central source of light. With strings and trellises these layers can be stacked one on top of the other. This design takes up far less space for more plants, reduces the energy bill and the cost of the lighting components.

The source of light does need to be kept cool, particularly given that more energy is effectively being delivered in a tighter space.LED lights are great for this. Although the initial cost is higher than more traditional bulbs this is compensated by the reduced expenditure on energy. Either way a cooling fan underneath the light source will spread the heat upward and away.

To make sure each side of the plant gets exposed to an equal amount of light be sure to rotate them consistently and on a regular basis.

Vertical hydroponics being used for large scale commercial food production

A steady water supply is of course also needed for the system to function effectively and the layout of the plants has an impact on the requirements. The NFT Nutrient Film Technique is a good efficient system for this.

An investment of time and a little bit of cash can be a very good method of utilising all of your available grow room space and maximising your yield

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