emporium hydroponucs

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Temperature Control and Grow Room Cleaning

Brockney C • Sep 08, 2021

 Excessive heat and bugs can wreak havoc on your growth and can easily be controlled...

Among many other things 2021 has been a bizarre year in terms of weather and after a wet and mild Summer we are now experiencing a brief heatwave at the start of Autumn which could cause an invasion of the dreaded bugs.

There are plenty of simple things we can do to prevent or eliminate them...


Fumigation is a chemical treatment that completely fills an area and deals with the pests. An example is the Fortefog Fumer which is fantastic time saver and very cost effective. It is available in various sizes for different grow rooms and is ideal prior to setting up a new growth.

Bug Barriers

Bug barriers can be placed over air intake fans to prevent the intake of insects whilst the fans are helping to maintain the temperature. The ones from RAM come in a range of sizes for different fans.

Protection Spray

Protecting your plants from bugs whilst also feeding them is a pleasant idea and there are various sprays or additives that can do this. An example is the Spider Mite Protection Spray whose proprietary formula includes several plant extracts and salts. The combination of these ingredients provide effective protection against spider mites in all stages. With the addition of a foliar nutrient, this spray ensures that plants also get an additional boost to help the plant recover from a mite infestation quicker.
Bug barriers and various pest control products can help prevent or eliminate things such as spider mites from a growroom
Do a regular pest check

Pests can always sneak their way in so even when you are using the prevention methods still check for them once a week. Take a look at your plants with a magnifying glass to find any. These are the ones to look out for...

1. Spider Mites – These will show up as yellow spots on your plant leaves.
2. Leaf Miner – Imperfections in your leaves and loss of color.
3. Fungus Gnats – Small black flies that move quite slowly.
4. Aphids – Deformities in your leafs and stems with a sticky substance on your leaves.
5. Thrip Larvae – These show as silvery-gray trails across your leaf tops along with small black deposits.
Fungus gnats, aphids and spider mites can all affect plants in a hydroponic grow room

The weather is often unpredictable and keeping a constant temperature is crucial to prevent plant wilting and dehydration. Consider a fan upgrade if required and do this early so that the plants are not in the way of where you need to place it.

Buying extra fans such as clip-ons or pedestal fans is an ideal method because they don't require any extra installation and can be used as an when required.

A speed controller can control the power of the fan and help to keep the temperature to the required value.
Fans and speed controllers for air circulation in a hydroponic grow room
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